Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Piece of Heaven

One of the reasons why I went to Bandung was to visit “Kawah Puti” or the Sulfur Lake. A stunning crate lake located 50 km south of Bandung in West Java Indonesia. This is one of the craters of this inactive volcano called Mount Patuha. I learned about this place from my host in Bukitinngi in Sumatra. When I was staying with her, I really had no idea as to what to see in Java. Then she recommended me this lake and showed me some pictures of it. I was amazed. The place looks really interesting for me as I haven’t seen anything like it before. I hitchhiked from Jakarta to Bandung then I was hosted by these nice, young guys in this cool and laid back town called Jatinanggor. I was truly having a good time with my host and his friends from the university. I stayed here for 5 days. Then later on, I felt that I have to visit this "Kawah Puti" on my own because sometimes I just have to be alone to reflect on things. My host was really understanding, and so he took me to the bus station for Bandung early in the morning the next day.

The heavy traffic in Bandung made me itch to hitchhike again. However the small van moved past the traffic finally, and then I arrived quite a bit late in the afternoon. I insisted to take a walk for a few minutes and luckily the people there let me in. And there was no entrance fee, well, not that I know of. I've never felt so free and peaceful. Though I haven’t reached the lake yet, the first kilometer has already a beautiful sight to behold. The surrounding area was heavily forested, it was foggy and I could smell the sulfur along the way. A few vehicles passed by, but most of the time I had the whole road for myself. It was one those unforgettable walks, just me and nature. What more could I ask for.

It was really getting cold. It was four more kilometers to the top, so eventually I had to hitchhike to the crater. Just when I thought that I’m going to walk all the way, a public van with only one person inside stopped in front of me finally. And I asked the driver:

Me: “Boleh saya numpang?”

Driver: “Boleh”

Me: “Boleh saya numpang?”

Driver: “Boleh”

I was waiting for a yes, ya or no, and then l realized later what “Boleh” means. So he was like saying, “Yes you can!” I felt really stupid. It was that very funny moment, and the Indonesians I met just laughed their hearts out when they heard this story.

When I arrived, I didn't see any foreigners or white people around here, probably because they were all flocking in Bali. So almost all the signs are written in Bahasa, and as much as I want to get to know more about the place that time, I couldn't understand all the information posted at the entrance. It was pretty understandable as I saw that most of the visitors are just locals.

I was blown away. Nature could really be this amazing. What my host in Bukitinggi told me was true. It was really like heaven on earth, one could go snorkeling in search for angels underneath. The lake was whitish green with the yellow sulfur mud around it. It was misty and cold, a magical place indeed. It was really chilly and I could barely stay in one place. So I walked around and saw a couple having their prenup photoshoot somewhere away from the crowd, and I wouldn't be surprised. I think that this is a unique place to have a mystical theme for a wedding, and how romantic is that!

I really cherished my time here, it was just perfect solitude. It was my “now” back then. That time I was really present. But it became my past now, and I’m remembering it for my own pleasure. You know those times when you are happy even though you are alone. And it would be even better if you are in a beautiful place, and that will be 100% pure happiness. I could imagine many things in this place, or even create my own dreams and alter reality. I could see myself wasting my time here, even if I choked to death by sulfur. I wouldn't mind. Then I’d become the angel underneath, and I’ll say “this is my own piece of heaven”.