Sunday, May 29, 2011

Journey Starts Here....

Sunrise in Snake Island, Pangasinan

The core of man's life comes from new experiences. We live in the present world where most our life experiences are merely based on our daily routine, our 8-5 job, the city, family, home, same faces we meet everyday, and the next day would be the same thing again....

And as for anyone who craves for new experiences, one has to break that routine and go out of the comfort zone. This may not be easy for everyone as there are two issues that have to be dealt with, which stop people from welcoming the idea of traveling - time and money. It's just one way or the other, one who has the money but don't have the time or for most who have all the time but don't have the means to travel. And for the lucky ones who could possibly have both, what's stopping them from embarking on a journey? Fear? Uncertainties? Scared of traveling alone?

Sure enough, it's difficult to leave behind the things you've already gotten used to, things that give you assurance and help you make it through everyday life. However life doesn't end inside the cubicle, there are just too many places to see, and too many people to meet, those who might one day cross your path and possibly change your life. You can still enjoy, see places, and meet people without permanently leaving the things that are important to you. This can be achieved by balancing, the so-called work hard, play hard. And if you really want something, you will make way to get that time and money in order to achieve it.

Contrary to what people believe, traveling doesn't require that much money, it requires attitude. 

I treat everyday as if it's my last. My thirst for adventure and new experiences is never ending. I would like to share that same experience I get from all my journeys. I would like to make it possible for everyone to travel on a shoestring budget, one step at a time....

I get off the beaten track to find out what there is to find out. And I want to absorb the moment and experience it on a personal level.

And this is just the beginning....


  1. Nice thoughts. I have been doing that for quite some time... breaking free from routine & evolve myself by travelling.

  2. Very insightful! You've said some things that I've always though when it comes to traveling. Any new travels coming up?

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